Last we talked about treating your body like a business, and investing in yourself. In case you missed it, we gave you some tips on the kinds of lifestyle changes you can make to take control of your health.

How can you be sure that the foods you’re eating are helping you reach your health goals? Fortunately, there is an easy enough answer, but the solution is two-fold.

To begin, it comes down to knowing exactly what you’re putting in your body. Just like any good business owner, you need to know where your money is at all times. I encourage my clients to manage their nutrition the same way. Wouldn’t you want to know exactly what you’re eating? The way I look at it is simple: food = nutrients = medicine = money you’re putting into your body to achieve your goals.

People may think they have a clean, healthy diet, but can be dangerously misinformed. Think of common “health” foods, like whole wheat bread, or almond milk. Do you know how many preservatives you can find in these foods?

My top tip? It’s easy, just eat ONE ingredient foods, 90 – 95% of the time.

Let’s say you eat 4 meals daily. That’s 7 days a week, so 4 x 7 = 28 meals.

90% of 28 = ~25.

That would give you about 3 meals weekly where you can eat what you want.

Just keep it simple stick these food groups:

Meat , fish , eggs, vegetables, rice, fruit, nuts, tea, coffee, and water.

Whether you have a family to feed or have a personal goal to achieve, more nutrients = better health.

But what if despite eating clean, whole foods you still feeling bloated or gassy after eating? Or so tired you barely have enough energy to get through the day? Do you ever find yourself running to the bathroom after every meal?

Just because a food is “healthy” doesn’t mean it’s healthy for YOU. One of the most beneficial things you can do for your health is gear the foods you choose to your body’s specific tolerances. Each body is different, and as such, can react differently or be sensitive to different foods.

If you can relate to any of these symptoms, it means you’re eating foods that aren’t right for you. It can be hard to determine on your own, so book an appointment today for a Food Sensitivity Test. We will test you for 150 different foods in a non-invasive procedure to help you understand what works for your body.

The key to eating healthy is investing in foods that are best for YOU.



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