Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

— William Arthur Ward

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I think it’s important to remember and be grateful for the many blessing we have in our lives. It’s often too easy to take for granted the good and focus on the bad.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and reflect on the good in our lives, and I would like to take this moment to share a few things I’m thankful for with you.

The opportunity to work with the Ottawa Fury Soccer Club.

I am ecstatic to be able to work with the Ottawa Fury Soccer Club. I have worked with the club    for two seasons now and the experience has been, in a word, unreal. I love every second of it. It  has been a constant opportunity to learn from players, coaches and the organization. I want to  thank Kyle Thorne, Julian, and Marc Dos Santos for giving me the opportunity to share my  passion with the club, and I look forward to watching their success!  If  you don’t  already follow the Ottawa Fury, make sure you do it now because  they’ve just clinched a  playoff birth in the NASL! Follow them  here:


Being able to realize my vision for Personalized Health Center.

I started the Personalized Health Center because I want to help my clients OPTIMIZE their way of living. Recently, we added Dr. Marc Engfield to the PHC team, and our new program will help you get real, in-depth information about your body as whole —an experience many don’t get with their regular doctors. This has been my primary vision for PHC for the past 5 years. My experience in owning a supplement store and consulting with over 1,200 people over the past few years have given me some insight to better understand where our current system is broken.

My amazing, supportive family. 

Last, but most certainly not least, I am beyond grateful for my beautiful wife and family. Yesterday we celebrated our 8 year anniversary and I can’t believe how lucky I am. Owning your own business is hard and it can be tough to balance work and family. Sometimes it can over-power your life, and my wife has supported me through all of it. She is an amazing mother, an awesome CPA, and beautiful wife. I believe in family and friends as an incomparable foundation to building a worthwhile life, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

Finally, I want to thank all of you! It’s been quite the journey, realizing my dream to help people by providing this kind of care, and I couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you. So thank you for joining the PHC family, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family!

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