The Body Analysis and Consultation is a 60-DAY program that helps you identify key areas impacting your health and keeping you from reaching your goals.

This program includes:

  • Background Information Review and Analysis
  • Daily Food Log Review
  • Nutritional Foundation Review
  • Food Sensitivity Testing (165 foods)
  • Body Fat Analysis using Biosignature Modulation
  • Access to our exclusive Facebook group and in-house chef recipes
  • Three personalized appointments, including:
  • 2-hour initial consultation
  • 1-hour second appointment (includes the Food Sensitivity Test).
  • 45-minute third appointment for final follow up.
  • Access to our Client Support Group on Facebook where you’ll have exclusive recipes from our chef on staff, as well as other tips and tricks to help you throughout your nutritional journey with us!

All of our programs begin with our comprehensive assessment, including a Background Information Review and AnalysisBody Fat Analysis using Biosignature ModulationFood Sensitivity Analysis (165 foods), and food log to help us better understand your needs and lifestyle. From there, we will work together to create a program personalized to your needs and goals.

This investment in your health comes to $499.99 + HST. This includes all appointments and tests. Payment plans are available.

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