Alcohol Sensitivity
Some people have an intolerance or sensitivity to alcohol. This reaction is usually genetically inherited, and may stem from the lack of a specific enzyme that allows the body to break down ethanol – a byproduct of the fermentation process that creates alcohol. Sometimes, a person’s reaction may vary based on type of drink – i.e. you may be able to drink liquor, but not wine, etc.
Because alcoholic drinks are processed, a person may also have an intolerance to an ingredient in the brewing process, such as sulphites, preservatives, chemicals, or other grains.
The reaction of the body can be unusual
The reaction symptoms can vary from person to person, and include flushed face, rash & hives, runny nose, brain fog, irritability, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
Red wine seems to have the quickest ability to bring on symptoms, followed by whisky, beer, and white wines.
The combination of both food and alcohol
Alcohol can increase stomach permeability, allowing food to enter the body at a faster rate.