Lactose or dairy intolerance refers to a sensitivity of an individual to either the protein or sugar found in milk and milk products. This can include milk for any animal, including cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, etc.
Lactose intolerance is quite common among most populations throughout the world – it appears in 1 of 5 individuals. Lactose intolerance is an inability of the body to digest the milk sugar “lactose”, because the body is missing the enzyme “lactase”. This condition affects all age groups and ethnicities. It is generally a lifelong condition.
The common symptoms of dairy or lactose intolerance include bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, or gastroenteritis (an inflammation of the digestive tract). These symptoms will go away after the offending food (dairy) is avoided.
Levels of Tolerance
The level of dairy/lactose a person may be able to tolerate can vary. Some individuals are able to drink milk in small quantities before any symptoms appear. Other cannot tolerate any amount! In order to find out if you are lactose intolerant, you can use your intuition with symptoms, or visit your Ottawa family doctor or specialist for testing.
If your digestive symptoms have not resolved after eliminating dairy & lactose from your diet for at least a month, there may be a different cause of your discomfort. Visit a medical professional if you are unsure.