This particular condition can stem from many causes. When a person is constipated they have trouble with their bowel movements. What this translates to is, a person will go less frequently and stay longer in the bathroom than is normal. The reason for this is that they are waiting for their bowels to move.
Albeit, the normality of the time span between bowel movements does vary from individual to individual here in Ottawa as well as elsewhere. Thus, every person has a regular schedule, so to speak, and anything out of the ordinary, may indicate constipation. However, If a person has not moved in three days or more, there is an issue.
What happens is the feces will harden, making the situation both painful and dangerous, causing an individual more difficulty when attempting to have a bowel movement. Under the following conditions any person in Ottawa is considered to suffer from being constipated,
- If they have hard stools greater than 25% of the time during a bowel movement
- If they strain during a bowel movement, greater than 25% of the time
- If they have 2 or less bowel movements a week
- If they have an incomplete evacuation greater than 25% of the time