By definition diarrhoea is having three or more loose or liquid stools in a twenty-four hour period. Another way to look at it is going more than usual as compared to being regular. This condition generally stems from an infection in the gastrointestinal tract.
The causes of diarrhoea begin with either a viral, parasitic, or bacterial organism present in the bowels or stomach. The infection may come from either contaminated water, contaminated food, or due to poor hygiene, another person here in Ottawa. In an extreme case, diarrhoea can lead to dehydration, because of the amount of fluids leaving the body.
In this instance the condition may threaten the persons well-being. This is particularly dangerous for children who contract diarrhoea for any reason. Furthermore, individuals that suffer from undernourishment or an impaired immune system here in Ottawa can also be threatened with a shorter life if this condition goes unchecked.