The World Health Organization, (WHO), has called obesity an epidemic
Since before this declaration obesity was identified as the leading instigator of all preventable diseases worldwide. Here in Canada alone, nearly 60% of the population tangles with weight issues, this includes Ottawa. This is an unfortunate byproduct of living in our modern industrial society.
How obesity begins is, an individual consumes a higher calorie diet than they can manage to burn. This happens because of a number of factors, such as social, behavioural, environmental, and genetic. Any of which can cause severe medical issue that stem of obesity even here in Ottawa.
What used to be thought of as the main causes of obesity, overeating and lack of exercise, turn out to be results of behavioural conditions brought on by social situations that affected a persons psychological well-being. The genetic factors centre around the mutation of either a single or multiple genes, according to a Harvard study.
As a consequence of environmental conditions an individual’s pre-disposed genetics and their life experiences can result in obesity. Nonetheless, doctors consider obesity a rather complex medical condition because of these findings. Accordingly, those who are obese run a higher risk of the following conditions,
- Gallbladder disease
- High blood pressure
- Stroke
- Heart attacks
- Diabetes
- Unspecified Cancers