What is InBody?
The InBody 270 will measure and record your weight, skeletal muscle mass, and percent body fat. You will receive a printout with your data, including recommended healthy ranges for weight, body fat percentage, basal metabolic rate, and muscle mass.
Safe, low-level currents are sent through the body through the hand and foot electrodes. No discomfort. The impedance the currents encounter is measured, and from there, your body composition is derived. With InBody’s patented technology, Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) has never been more highly correlated with gold standard methods until now.
Initial Appointment Length: 30 minutes

InBody Composition Analyser

InBody Analysis
Want to learn which foods are best for you?
It is so important to make sure you’re eating the right foods for YOU. This non-invasive, highly reliable test uses electro-dermal screening to help us build the foundation of your nutritional program.